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our new full-featured digital piano... learn more
Now taking orders for delivery in fall of 2025
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A Keyboard That
Fits Your Hands

Lets You Make Beautiful Music
more comfort
less strain
less risk of injury

Don't let the small size fool you. Both of these keyboards have 88 keys.
Picture shows NK5.5 Midi Controller
A Serious Musical Instrument
Not a Toy
full key length of 6 inches (15.24 cm) front to back of white keys, 4 inches (10.16 cm) for black keys
key dip of 0.43 inches (11 mm) -- just like a piano
only the key width is changed: conventional pianos have an octave width of 6.5 inches (16.51 cm), our octave is 5.5 inches (14 cm) wide
Match Weighting of 52 g is similar to piano key weighting
Why is she playing a keyboard that fits large adult hands?

Most adult women and even some men have hands that are too small for the standard piano keyboard. Once young children are added to the mix, narrow key pianos are better for most pianists.

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